Baby massage workshop

Április 20. 10h /11h

Program for english speakers – practice your english!

Dinesh Harpal is an indian joga teacher. He lives in Budapest with his family, he is also a father, his sun is 1,5 year old.

Dinesh is teaching you how to massage your baby, so you can enjoy its benefit in your home whenever you like!

This knowledge will be useful for bigger kids, too. It is recommended to begin while your baby is a couple of month old.

The workshop will be at Parksarok, takes about an hour. Costs: 2000,-

Your questions are welcome at Parksarok, or at Dinesh’s website.

Please, sign for the program!

Azt akarja, hogy a kisbabája nyugodtabban és hosszabban aludjon éjszaka? Azt szeretné, ha még barátságosabb, boldogabb és mosolygósabb legyen? Hogy ne fájjon a hasa? Ha bármelyik kérdésre a válasza igen, akkor jöjjön el az órára, amit Dinesh Harpal indiai gyerekjóga oktató tart a Parksarokban.

Elsajátíthatja a fogásokat, gyakorolhat a saját babáján vagy egy plüssmacin.

A foglalkozás időtartama körülbelül 45 perc – 1 óra, ára 2000 Ft. További részletek a masszázs jótékony hatásairól itt találhatók:

Április 20, szerda: 10 óra / 11 órás kezdéshez jelentkezés szükséges!

1 megjegyzés:

  1. My name is Dinesh Harpal, I am a yoga and a kindergarten teacher. I was born in 1981, in Jamshedpur, India. I have been doing yoga from my childhood, and I have learnt the baby massage from my mother who did this to me until the age of 6. Later I practiced on my brother and sister.
    During my school years I played basketball and did athletics. In high school, I won a bronze medal in a local mini marathon in which I competed barefoot. After finishing my studies, I worked as a waiter in hotels in Delhi where I met a Hungarian girl who later became my wife.
    I moved to Budapest in 2008, where I first completed an adult yoga teacher training, and after that a children’s yoga course. At the moment I have private yoga students and I work in a private English-language kindergarten in Adyliget, Budapest.
    I like cooking and running: since I moved to Budapest, I completed several races and I climbed the Triglav in Slovenia in 2008. I have a 1,5 old son, I am teaching him Hindi, reading some Hindi fairy tales for him and singing Hindi songs. But his absolute favorite is Judit Halász!
